
At Kingsfield Primary School, it is our intention to provide pupils with a range of exciting learning opportunities, both in and outside the classroom, with the support of our local community, which enable them to develop the attitudes and skills necessary for them to grow into responsible, happy and valuable individuals and citizens.

Our broad and balanced curriculum provides for the spiritual, moral, social and cultural learning of our children and the extra-curricular activities we provide, extend and consolidate this learning.


SMSC is a feature of every aspect of school life at Kingsfield Primary School. It is promoted through a planned programme which includes PSHE, Citizenship and weekly themes. It is promoted through our assemblies which directly link into the weekly themes and through guest speakers and off-timetable lessons/days that complement the work done in the curriculum.


At Kingsfield, our SMSC curriculum is enhanced through the use of religious and cultural festivals, awareness days and events, historical events, anniversaries and awareness months. We have a school ministry which listen to the views of all children and promote their ideas and feelings.


Our children leave Kingsfield proud of their successes and with increased self-discipline. They are able to make friends and can encourage and lead others. The foundations have been laid to ensure they are a responsible member of society, interested in the world around them and keen to make a positive contribution to society. They will be willing to share and reflect upon their own and others’ faiths and are able to work with others, regardless of gender, race or sexuality.